Rainer Borgmann

Research Assistant

Rainer Borgmann is a research assistant at CalfCare. Rainer’s adaptability, curiosity and dependability make him a great asset to the company. Rainer has a diverse background, as he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Purdue, but also has important experience from working with veal and as a dairy herdsman. Rainer has experience with herds up to 750 head, both in robot facilities and traditional parlors milking 3 times daily. Rainer is from North Manchester and is currently completing coursework to apply to veterinary school. Rainer’s primary goal is to provide the highest level of care possible to calves.

Outside of work and school, Rainer enjoys spending time with his family and partner, Tabbie. He also enjoys exploring the outdoors-through sailing his Hobie 16 catamaran, walking and biking with his husky, Ludo.

Rainer believes CalfCare is different, because of the strong focus on a historically neglected age group in cattle- calves that are on milk.