Contract Research

Secure & Effective

Stand-out facility tucked away with experienced staff. Facility has a full-time resident. No swine or other cattle located within the radius of one mile.

Quality Research Facilities

  • On-Site lab that can be set up to meet your project needs
  • Microbiology
  • Hematology
  • -70c freezer
  • Professional and detail oriented staff

Hutch Yard with Gold Standard Hutches

  • Seven zones with excellent isolation and biosecurity
  • Calf comfort with 200+ hutches
  • Sentinels and controls can stay negative
  • Infected calves can be removed without compromising the integrity of the project
  • Six limestone pads that are resurfaced after every group
  • Stable conditions for all weather

Indoor Pen Housing

  • Two barns - capacity of 200 head and 100 head
  • Ideal when calf to calf contact is allowed and preferred
  • Allows for larger production studies
  • Barns can be setup with hutches or pens
  • Easy observation and data/sample collection

Commercial Cooperators

  • Commercial with 200-320 head operations
  • Experienced observers and data collectors
  • Many vaccines and other products have passed through these real-world doors on the way to the market

Contact CalfCare at 260-982-7596 for more details.

You dream it and develop the hypothesis, we will get it done and collect the conclusion for you!